Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Hi everyone is been a while since I blog. Hope that everyone in good shape hehe..

Been hearing quite a number of frends broke off. Sorry to hear abt that but let's not think about it, keep the sweet memories with you in the bottom of your heart. You have to move on, only with this you could find a better and more suitable one.

Yesterday I meet my ex-colleague and got a shocked after hearing she got divorced last year. I am glad that I choose to stay single, having a heart breaking moment is really hurts...and the period of recovery tends to take very long.

But anyway, even I choose to be single but I know others luv to be attached. I hope that everyone out there will be able to find a good one and make sure if the r/ship did not work out, pls take it easy, just think that "He/She is not the one to share the rest of ur life".

Be happy oh....need to get back to work lah...ciao..till then take care ... all my dearest frend.

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