Thursday, November 16, 2006


16-11-2006 is a Nightmare for some ppls including me. First time (current job), I woke up at 6.15am and get ready to work and left at 6.35am. I reached my working place at 6.50am but can u imagine half of the parking lots have filled with cars. Ever wonder why?? Cos today is J card members sales which start at 7am till 11pm. I bet most malaysian are shopping spree which actually woke up so early juz for shopping. I got no choice to come early to avoid jam. Can't get into office before 7.45am, so I went shopping as well.

Frankly speaking those groceries is not very cheap but wonder y all the people is buying so much, some even filled up 3 trollies...

I queued up paying and the women in front of me is like buying so of the 3 trollies gang..and the worst thing is that discounted items are not updated into the system and the cashier is like flying here n there juz to get the discounted price. I can say is not well prepared and I wonder is this the first time they having member sales?? How come not prepared properly? Total purchased for the woment for juz groceries RM69X.XX...I kinda stunt looking at the amount..haha..

Some of my colleagues is late to work juz becos of the jam it created by this. Sis got stucked in jam for 1.5 hrs juz that she wanna to go KL passing by the road.

Is kinda nightmare for me..have to come so early juz to avoid jam and get a parking lot....but luckily i able to avoid those unnecessary jam....thank god!!

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