Friday, August 18, 2006


Feeling very unlucky today...make me terribly bad mood ...wat a BAD friday I had.

Early morning fetch mum to morning market as usual. Fetch mum home after that and heading to work. I went to pay my parking and when the moment I walk to my car and I feel that is something wrong with my car. I think some stupid lorry driver actually go too near to my car till it leave a big big scratch on my lovely car...too bad I am not there cos I dun even know who is the idiot that do that. I tot simply park only u will get tis kind of shit but who knows park in a proper parking also the same.

Anyway, I think tis disturb me too much till I got a bad headache.

On the same day after work I went to the workshop to repair my car. It need a day to finish...and there is goes my RM500........haiz.

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