Thursday, October 20, 2005

Somewhere Only We Know..JL (ALI)

Originally uploaded by littledevil76.
A special thanks to someone from far that treat me so special even we haven't met each other before. Always think of him whenever my car played a song called "Somewhere Only We Know".

Wanted to tell him I'm really glad to know someone like him, feel comfortable and relax to chat and teach me a lot of things and he always have funny funny idea. We can even chat few hours without being bored haha...a miracle..

Remembered last year he is the first one in my life who called and sing me a Ber-day song thru phone and I did the same to him ... feel so gam dung that time...

And this year he is the last person I spoke to before my Big Day end...feel glad cos he still spend time to call n sing for me even he is working morning shift the next day..wanted to accompany me till 11.59pm but I can feel he is too tired to do so...advice him to rest at 11.35pm

"Juz want to tell u, u really mean a lot to me even we did not meet each other before but yet feel like I know u for long time juz like an old frends.."

Hope our frendship will last as long as it can till i reached my destiny :P

from "saron oh" hehe

hehe only for u..haha :P u r my "SPECIAL LITTLE JOHNNY" forget ma?
miss u :P
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