Saturday, October 15, 2005
Hey is me again........CJ
"Hehe I woke up my ah yee again by my sweet n gentle crying craving for my delicious milk!!...ah yee kind of kek sum hahah...but also have to entertain me lah..since u can c my cute little look tis early morning :P, who can resist not to entertain me..
tis morning ah yee n ah poh bring me to wet usual, a lot of aunty aunty say.."U C tis baby so cute" very bored lah..everytime also heard the same words haha..and one aunty carried me like never wan to let me go i that attractive ah??...COMMENTS R WELCOME" from bELOVED CJ :P
tis morning ah yee n ah poh bring me to wet usual, a lot of aunty aunty say.."U C tis baby so cute" very bored lah..everytime also heard the same words haha..and one aunty carried me like never wan to let me go i that attractive ah??...COMMENTS R WELCOME" from bELOVED CJ :P