Sunday, September 17, 2006

Biggest surprise in YEAR 2006 heheehe.....

Sunday..a relax day...been bz watching NARUTO. When I am about heading to shower I got a called from WHO. That is the first surprise I got, normally he won't call me one haha..but I am thinking wat day is TODAY.....and then he ask me to go downstairs cos he reached my hse oredi...THAT is the 2nd and the biggest surprise he gave me since I know him haha...He came to send me MOON CAKE. Thanks for remembering me on this festive season..and thanks for the new flavour moon cake. Hmm wonder when will be the next surprise haha...dun make me kena heart attack oh....:P

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

05-09-2006 - Pearly is leaving us

This post is specially dedicated to my luvly ex colleague Pearly. Today is the last day she will be working with us. Kinda sad but dun show her cos I dun wan her to leave us with tears and I keen she will have a happier and brighter future when she back to Sibu with her luvly hubby. Keep it up with ur good work ..since she is gonna to open a boutique and wish you will deliver a healthy and cute baby safely.

I have know her for 2 years hardly mix around with my colleagues except Pearly cos we are quite similar in a way. Pearly is a very kind, patient (tats y she can tahan her boss..hehe), soft hearted, sincere, cheerful, cute, pretty & luvly person. I hardly find a person who is really click with me, Pearly is the exceptional one cos we have quite a similar character towards work and etc. I never know that I can actually meet a colleague that I can click with in office haha...poor me...we have the view that both of us are "LONE RANGER" who hardly mix around closely with others..that's y we fall to each other to become not only close colleague but as a close frend.

Pearly, I would like to say thanks for being so kind n sincere with me even sometimes I a bit harsh to u. I hardly teach you directly how to solve problem, just give u some hints, but I hope u understand why I am doing so. To be very dependant on a person to solve problem like others is not good cos u will not learn n grow as u move on. I really glad that you able to go thru the problems whenever I give u some hints. Thanks for your care too...always buy me stuff to eat...gonna to miss that.

I have seen you having up n downs while working here but I know no matter how u are still strong to go thru the hard time. Learn to be more patient, careful of making frends as you learn in our office who u suppose to trust and who you are not suppose to, be more aware of things or ppls around you and so forth. Remember to take good care of yourself and always keep in touch ok.....

Hmmm there will be no more ppl counting down to 5.30pm you always do, no one cheer me up often when I'm upset in office but no matter how far we r ...our frendship always last rite..!!! Hope everything best will be with PEARLY forever.

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